Friday 8 December 2017

Why majority of the staff is against meetings??

Are you tired of wasting your time in meetings??

Do you think meetings have no purpose??

Here are some simple rules to follow at your next meeting and you'll certainly start to have an opposite view at the meeting.

Meetings are considered to be an efficient way to interact with all the team members in most of the workplace. However, it doesn't stand true for everyone. The impact and importance of meeting are gradually turning down with the development of technology and fast-paced work environment. To overcome the overwhelming idea of the office meetings, the following basic rules will ensure to bring positive outlook for you and your team members.

1. Make agenda items specific.
        We all know by now the importance of agenda items in a meeting. But the problem is most of the meeting agenda fails to be strictly dedicated to the actual purpose, it often happens and it's quite obvious to get off the sight while undertaking a project. This can be solved by prioritizing the agenda items and deciding which item is of utmost importance and needs the involvement of all the staff members. This strategy is definitely going to be helpful to stay on focus at the meeting.

2.  Be on time - a must appropriate business etiquette.
      The importance of being on time cannot be stressed enough. Your senior officials have a positive impression of yourself and they consider you as an enthusiast and determined employee. So, next time you have a meeting to attend, it is in your best interest to arrive at least 5 minutes before the start time.

3. Choosing the right type of the meeting.
      Some type of meetings cannot catch the attention of all the team members, such as status update and stand-up meetings. Most of the staff feel it as their time is not properly utilized. Therefore, an alternate form of communication such as notice board updates or email updates in the morning.

A different perspective is often required to change a meeting into a productive meeting for all the team members. Apply this easy tips to your work for the next meeting to ensure maximum engagement.